Suggestions For a Successful Relationship with Food
1. Remember that all diets work by substituting low calorie foods for high calorie foods.
2. Continue to consume meal replacements, at least 3 per day in Better Weighs and at least 2 per day in Maintenance.In Better Weighs, consume an additional 450 calorie meal per day. In Maintenance, consume the calories required to maintain your healthy weight, under the guidance of our dietitian.
3. Read labels so you know what you are consuming. Read labels so you know what one portion is.
4. Go to the Dollar store and get several sets of measuring cups; put a separate serving-size measuring cup into each container, ie cereal boxes, rice, pasta, beans, etc. This way, it will be convenient for you to measure out one serving.
5. Many people find it helpful to purchase a food scale to weigh and measure their food, until they get a sense of what a portion size looks like.
6. Drink lots of water, at least 64 ounces per day.
7. Maintain a food log…….even if you do not record calories. Research shows that people eat less and lose weight just by estimating portions and recording what they eat.
8. Make sure you are getting up to 5 servings of vegetables and fruit every day. Volume is a signal to stop eating, so consuming low calorie foods that are high in water and fiber content help you eat less overall.
9. Engage in high levels of physical activity……. strive for 6-9 hours of exercise per week / 10,000 steps per day.
10. Weigh yourself regularly
11. Consume a balanced diet and strive toward a plant-based diet with protein. Limit carbs and fats. Consume whole grains and non-fat dairy. Do not get all your calories from one food group.
12. Eat breakfast
13. Try to maintain a positive attitude while you are learning and putting into practice new skills around food. Learning anything new feels like a lot of hard work at the start, but with practice things always get easier. Try to stay mindful rather than reverting back to the old ways that you used and abused food.
14. You have worked hard to lose the weight, you have made your weight loss program a priority in your life, and you have been successful.
It is important to remember that you, and the way you relate to food, needs to remain a priority in your daily life.
15. Attend a support group. Research shows that having support is a significant component for maintaining weight loss. MNP offers ongoing support groups.